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  • 2024 HubSpot INBOUND Conference: AI, Human Creativity, and Reinventing for Growth

    09 Oct 2024 • 4 min read
    Hubspot INBOUND 2024

    Last week, our Chief Growth Officer, Matt Deaton, had the opportunity to attend the 2024 HubSpot INBOUND Conference in Boston. We asked Matt to share his key takeaways from the event, and below are some of his insights. Enjoy!

    "My brain is still buzzing with energy, ideas, and excitement about where the marketing landscape is heading. INBOUND is always a crucial touchpoint for industry professionals, but this year felt particularly transformative. For me, the primary theme that emerged was the reinvention of growth approaches, largely driven by our new favorite co-worker—Artificial Intelligence (AI).

    AI: No Longer a Threat, but the Ultimate Ally

    After the event, one thought resonated with me: Marketers have fully embraced AI. Just a few years ago, there was a strong undercurrent of fear surrounding AI. The conversation often revolved around the dread of machines taking jobs away from creative professionals. Fast forward to today, and the transformation is remarkable. Instead of feeling threatened, I saw marketers, sales leaders, and creative minds embracing AI as their productivity multiplier.

    Across the various sessions I attended, it was clear that AI is no longer the villain of the marketing story—far from it. Tools like HubSpot's newly revealed Breeze suite bring tangible benefits to marketing, sales, and customer service teams. These AI-driven solutions are more than automating mundane tasks; they are elevating personalization efforts, making marketers more effective in delivering exactly what customers need and when needed. As Dharmesh Shah, HubSpot’s founder, brilliantly articulated in his presentation, AI agents simplify previously complex workflows, from optimizing landing pages to automating customer research.

    But here's the kicker—AI is just a tool, not a replacement for human emotion and creativity. Despite AI's growing prominence, the human touch remained a core focus throughout the conference. The recurring idea in many talks was that while AI could handle a lot of the "what" and "how," it’s up to us—the humans—to focus on the "why." That’s why I urge all to use AI to enhance our thinking, save time on repetitive tasks, and reinvest that time in genuinely connecting with our audience. As I like to say, we must humanize our work.

    The Importance of Being Human in a Hyper-Automated World

    In an age where much of marketing is becoming automated, being human has never been more critical. People today don’t just crave solutions; they want partners who understand their needs on a personal level. The desire for connection showed up in multiple sessions. Whether Dharmesh Shah discussed AI agents or Disney's Josh D’Amaro discussed the fundamentals of storytelling, the emphasis was on emotional intelligence and authenticity.

    Josh’s talk, for example, was pure magic. He shared how Disney creates emotional connections with audiences, leveraging everything from classic storytelling principles (relatability, innovation, courage) to cutting-edge technology. His point was clear—whether it’s Mickey Mouse or a marketing message, the best stories make people feel something. As marketers, even with the vast data and AI at our disposal, we need to ensure our messages connect with our audience on that deep emotional level. AI can give us insights, but it’s up to us to weave those insights into stories that make people want to engage.

    This aligns perfectly with Devsu’s direction. We use AI to boost productivity, making our marketing, development, and human resources teams more productive than ever. However, implementing AI doesn’t absolve us from the responsibility of fully understanding our prospects, customers, and employees. Automate the routine tasks, but use that freed-up time to truly invest in building meaningful relationships.

    HubSpot’s Innovations That Caught My Attention

    HubSpot’s new AI-powered Breeze suite represents a leap forward in automating workflows while keeping the human element at the forefront.

    1. Breeze Copilot: This is an assistant powered by generative AI that helps you execute tasks across HubSpot's platform. Copilot can help draft content, send emails, and analyze customer data, drastically reducing time spent on menial tasks but keeping creativity and strategic oversight firmly in human hands.
    2. Breeze Agents: These AI-powered bots take things further by automating more complex workflows like content marketing, sales prospecting, and even customer service processes. This allows team members to focus on the bigger picture—strategy rather than execution.
    3. Breeze Intelligence: This stood out for its enhanced ability to strengthen your CRM by tapping into over 200 million buyer and company profiles. Current data is a significant edge in fine-tuning audience targeting and identifying potential opportunities early in the customer lifecycle.

    As I reflected on these features, it became clear that we must continue to push the boundaries of AI implementation, while keeping our customer relationships personal and meaningful. Whether we’re using agents to streamline internal processes or intelligence tools to build better marketing campaigns, the key is to remain adaptive and continually innovate.

    Breakthrough Sessions

    Beyond the product announcements, the breakout sessions also provided deep insights into how to leverage AI, personalization, and creative thinking to drive results. Some particular highlights I walked away with:
    1. Advanced LinkedIn Ads for B2B:

    AJ Wilcox shared powerful strategies around cost-effective LinkedIn ad optimization. Many marketers face the challenge of high LinkedIn advertising costs, but with AJ’s data-driven approach, it’s possible to cut those costs drastically while still targeting valuable B2B prospects. This session gave me actionable strategies that I’m excited to implement with the marketing team.

    2. Content Is Not King:

    Neil Patel dismantled the idea that merely creating content guarantees success. He cited shocking stats—94% of content gets no organic visitors, and over half of social content receives zero engagement. Neil emphasized that it's not about producing more content but creating content better aligned with audience needs and market demand. Tuning into the voice of the customer is far more reliable for growth than blindly producing blog posts and video clips.

    3. ABM Outbound Funnel:

    Sumner Vanderhoof’s sophisticated approach to ABM (Account-Based Marketing) was revelatory. His session provided a structured, actionable 5-stage funnel that will help us enhance our outbound ABM efforts. What hit home was the importance of integrating technology, timing, and personalization into our ABM strategy.

    Closing Thoughts: A Perfect Ecosystem of AI and Humanity

    INBOUND 2024 encapsulated the future of marketing and growth strategies in one phrase: AI-supported, human-led. The tools are evolving rapidly, but it’s still the creativity, emotional intelligence, and humanity behind those tools that will fuel our success.

    As marketers, whether we're leveraging tools like Breeze, experimenting with ABM structures, or optimizing campaigns through advanced LinkedIn Ads strategies, the formula remains straightforward: Provide value quickly, but personalize thoroughly. AI can be our ally, but more than ever, we need to humanify each piece of messaging, every customer interaction, and every strategy we pursue.

    Matt Deaton at Hubspot INBOUND 2024

    Let’s embrace AI in all its potential but never lose sight of the one thing AI can’t replace—the human touch."

    INBOUND conference in a packed auditorium

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