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  • Onnit - E-commerce Industry

    Person preparing for workout, kettlebell on floor

    Staff augmentation helped meet deadlines, supporting Onnit’s rapid growth.

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    E-commerce Industry

    The challenge

    As Onnit experienced significant growth, its internal IT and development team struggled to keep up with the increasing workload, including bug solving, monitoring, technical debt, and system improvements. The small in-house team didn’t have the capacity to deliver projects on time, causing bottlenecks and delaying their expansion plans.

    Devsu provided staff augmentation and DevOps services, adding expert developers to Onnit’s team to accelerate development and optimize operations.

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    Increased capacity

    Devsu's developing team helped Onnit meet their deadlines and complete pending features quickly.

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    Enhanced features

    By effectively addressing ongoing challenges, Onnit maintained its growth trajectory and enhanced internal processes.

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