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  • Volkswagen - Automotive Industry

    Car in the road

    Custom Software Development

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    Automotive Industry

    The challenge

    Volkswagen’s platform for dealerships was running on outdated technology, requiring manual deployments and physically shipping updates for content. This created inefficiencies and increased costs, limiting the number of deployments that could be made each month. As a result, Volkswagen struggled to keep up with user demands and modern operational standards, while also requiring more hands-on expertise to manage these processes.

    Devsu assisted in modernizing Volkswagen’s infrastructure by integrating CI/CD pipelines and splitting monolithic applications into smaller, modular services, thus improving scalability and maintainability.

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    Increased productivity

    Deployment frequency increased from once or twice a month to multiple times per day with no downtime.

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    Cost savings

    Infrastructure costs were reduced by 25%, enhancing system performance and reliability.

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